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through a robust processing method.
Weight: 0.150kg
Weight: 0.150kg
Weight: 0.150kg
Weight: 0.150kg
Weight: 0.150kg
Weight: 0.150kg
Weight: 0.740kg
Weight: 0.395kg
Weight: 0.395kg
Weight: 0.150kg
Weight: 0.150kg
Weight: 0.150kg
Weight: 0.150kg
Weight: 0.150kg
Weight: 0.150kg

Our chips tell a story!
"It all begins with an idea to make tapioca chips into an
international brand by helping our local farmers"
Farmers are the backbone of India. They are the men who work in the searing heat and bitter cold to put food on our tables and clothes on our backs. They rise with the sun to tend to crops and stay up late to review accounts. They fight off invasive insects and battle unpredictable weather. Without our farmers, where would we be? At southern Hills, we understand the importance of farmers, and we’re proud to salute our nation’s famers and for all of the reasons they make our lives better.
Why we are Popular?
Our products popularity stems from its exceptional quality, innovative features, unparalleled customer satisfaction and more..

No preservative

Hygienically packed

Why we are Popular?
Our products popularity stems from its exceptional quality, innovative features, unparalleled customer satisfaction and more..

No preservative

Hygienically packed